Selling through an agent is usually a very unpleasant experience

  • High cost
  • Pricing challenges
  • Unexpected expenses
  • Extended market time
  • Lengthy closing process
  • Deal closing risk (may fall through)
  • Unrealistic buyers
  • Results subject to market conditions
  • Staging and repair costs
  • Loss of control to agent
  • Contractual obligations
  • Open houses
  • Prospect showings

Well today there’s an alternative way to move on with your life if you need to without selling your home – A way for you to get paid the full market value of the equity in your home in cash now (the same as the amount you would normally get in a traditional sale), but actually keep the home AND remain invested in it, AND get paid out AGAIN with a piece of the equity appreciation in the future!

To be more clear, you should think of this program as a partnership! This isn’t a loan or a sale!

You get paid your equity today, just as you would in a traditional sale, then once you have moved out, our partners will manage your home on your behalf, making ALL payments and covering all maintenance costs – you are relieved of all financial responsibility and will never be asked for another dime!

Years later, when you decide it’s time to sell (minimum 5 years & maximum till your current mortgage matures), you’ll be able to “double dip” on the profits from your home’s continued appreciation! The truth is having your home qualify for this program is the hard part, the easy part is accepting your offer!

Understand that we have carefully screened homeowners like yourself who are seeing this offer to the best of our ability using publicly available information.

If you’re interested in the next step to find out more, I will put you in touch with one of our specialists so they can review the details and confirm your home’s eligibility for this unusual program. That way you’ll have the opportunity to truly understand this program and see how it could seriously benefit you and/or your legacy!

The ball is in your court and the choice is all yours – to take the next step please call me at 561-429-9009 or email me at

Download a copy of the Equity Protection Program One-Page Explanation PDF below

Evolution Capital Solutions is a leading provider of alternative funding solutions, catering to businesses of various types and sizes. We present a broad spectrum of business and commercial real estate financing products, tailored to meet the distinct needs of our clients.

Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
(561) 429-9009
2023 © Evolution Capital Solutions